Broken Key Extraction
At Picky Locksmith, we are available as a 24-hour locksmith service. We can handle the extraction of broken keys in your automobile and also in residential and commercial properties. Call us today at (480)-876-9766 for an appointment and our locksmiths are at your disposal to help you.
At Picky LocksmithPhoenix AZ, our experts know how far to insert the tool to safely extract the key. They can estimate how much of the key is stuck in the keyway of the lock to safely remove it.

As you can judge, you should not involve in key extraction yourself. The reason is that you can damage the lock when you do this yourself. On the other hand, when our team at Picky Locksmith handles it, they will safely extract the broken key without damaging the lock. It means that they will help you avoid a lock replacement. Of course, if they find that the lock has already been damaged, they will suggest the appropriate solution.
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